Saturday, April 5, 2014

What is Madagascar like for me?

Hello! Welcome again to another wonderful addition to my blog and life in Madagascar. I have been in the South West region of Madagascar for around.....2.5 weeks. I live near the village of Amdonrolava, which is around 30 mins from the regional capital, Tulear, on a TERRIBLE road. The area that i live in is split in two parts; the dry, arid, desert to the east, and the lush, wet mangroves to the west. The NGO is centered in between these two distinct climates, making it a fun place to live! We are about 2 KM from the ocean (an easy walk) and have a large channel to swim or kayak in anytime we would like.
There is a constant wind that blows, making it feel cooler then the average 95 degrees it is. Because of the climate, we do not have many lemurs in our area (sad face) but have plenty of bird species and reptiles in the area, I even rescued a frog from our well the other day! That is another thing that amazes me, most of Ghana has problems getting water, but here, even in the desert, the water table is so HIGH that all you have to do is dig a few feet and you reach water. Most households share a well with a few families and there is always water there.
As i mentioned earlier, it is HOT here, but because of the wind it does not feel that hot. At night, now that we are going into winter (southern hemisphere) the nights are getting very cold and i need a blanket!!!!  It is also sunny here around 300 days a year (my skin is not to happy about that), so i might just turn into a huge freckle!
I have been waiting to move into my permanent house till they re did the thatch roof (needs redone every 4 years or so),which they are doing at this moment. I will hopefully be able to move into my place this monday!!!! I will take pictures and let you know!
I will be posting my address to side of this blog, so if you would like to send me a letter or Package ( both are AMAZING!) you can send it to this address.
Life here is great, i am enjoying Madagascar so much! If you want to come visit, let me know and i can help! Until next time, Merci!

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