Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Crab in your shoe??

Hello Again! I have been in Madagascar for a month now, and things are going well. I am learning Malagasy better (salama-Hello) and speaking french with more confidence. We are working on a few projects: 1. Beekeeping a more natural way, 2. painting murals on the primary schools in 2 of the villages, 3. Plan Vivo, 4. Partner relations, pretty much means going to all the hotels around the area and giving them our poster to promote tourism ( i made this poster by the way)!
I am all moved into my new place, which i am loving, other then when it rains and is windy since it has a lot of cracks in it! Just adds adventure! We are preparing the center and the guides for the upcoming tourist season which starts in May.
One of my favorite things that i do is go for a swim each day. I try to go at high tide, so that i am able to swim more since the current is much stronger. Yesterday was the full moon so the tide was at its highest! This means the current was strong, the water was high, and the crabs and mud skippers were EVERYWHERE!!! As i was drying off and relaxing after having to fight the current for some time, i was putting my foot in my shoe when i looked down and saw a rather large crab sitting there. The first time i saw a crab "attack" someone i was show that the only way to get the crab off was to put the pincher in your mouth and bite down....the thought of doing this with my foot....No thank you! So remember to always look in your shoe before you put it on....there could be a crab in it!
I have posted my address and a wish list for any of you wonderful people who might wish to send me something!
Until next time, Merci!

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