Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Adventure....the 4 flights it took me to get to my new home!

Welcome!!! I am now in Madagascar! Here is how i got here, get ready for some interesting times: I left Indiana at a decent hour of 1.20pm and arrived at JFK (New York) around 3.30 pm. My long time childhood friend Andrea picked me up and took me to her place in Queens. I stayed there over night and had a BLAST!! We had burgers ( as american as i can get) then went to a Latin dance club and danced the night away. We had to leave at 7 am the next morning to make the my flight to Johannesburg, south Africa. This was a 15 hour flight, no lay overs. It was a good flight, watched a TON of sweet movies. Near the end of the flight there was a bit a drama....a older man had a heart attack!!!! They were doing CPR on him in his seat, then finally a bunch of people came and lifted him up and took him to lay down somewhere. He ended up being ok, but we had to wait a while to get off the plane so that he could leave first. This made me a little nervous as i only had a 2 hour layover there before my flight left for Antananarivo, Madagascar.  I had to go through security, and immigration, then get my bag and go up stairs and get it re checked in and then find the place where my plane was going to leave. I would have been SUPER late if it hadn't been for this one AWESOME guy that helped me out. He worked at the airport and we skipped all the lines i would have had to gone through and sent me to the VIP lines. I got there in good time and was WAY less stressed then i would have been. Way to go awesome guy!
I then boarded my plane and left for Tana the capital.* If your keeping tract this is my 3rd  plane and i will have been on a plane for 18 hours. *  I get there, get my bags, exchange money, and find a taxi to take me to a hotel. The hotel is great, I take a 2 hour nape and have a Margarita pizza for dinner. I shower since it will be one of my last, and go to sleep around 9. I then wake up at 10 ( yes, i sleept A LONNG time) pack my bags and get ready to leave for my last flight. At the airport which is small but nice i get to practice my french and learn how things are done. This is a short flight, only 1:45 mins. This will take to me to my regional capital, Tulear.
So here i am, in Tulear, at a house that is shared by Blue Venture (another NGO) with wifi, food, and happiness. I will be picked up tomorrow morning by my NGO ( a word you are going to see ALL the time in this blog, meaning non-governmental organization). From there i will see where i will be living for the next year! I will try to keep you up to date with what my life is going to be like! Enjoy and Merci!

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