Thursday, March 6, 2014

7 months later

Hello World! I am back in the blogging game again, only this time i am on my own, without the backing of the Peace Corps! I am starting a new job in Madagascar, in the small village of Ambondrolava, with an NGO (non governmental organization) called Honko mangrove conservation and education ( I will be leaving THIS march 15th (that's right, only 8 days away)! It is going to be a LONG trip; 18 hours in the air and 20 hours on the ground to get to my new place. I am going to be the first Project Coordinator (once i get there, i will let you know more about what all i am going to be doing). I am brushing up on my French as i have not spoken it for sometime, but i feel confident that it will all come back to me. I already have all my shots, pills, and most of my clothing since it has only been 7 months since i left the constant summer that is Ghana.
I will try to update this as often as possible, and you are more then welcome to read my old blog from my times in Ghana (An unbelievable place.....).


  1. so proud of you. good luck and have fun!

  2. Good Luck Tess! I know you will do a great job. I will follow your blog.

