Saturday, May 17, 2014

My 28th and 2 month anniversary!

Two Months!!!!! Time fly’s as you age, I can’t tell you how many people have told me this, and I know, I know that its true….but damn if it does not creep up on you!! There are certain things that seem to hold true throughout most of Africa, and after spending a little over 2 years in Ghana, I had become accustomed to so many things, that I forgot how certain things were.
Here are some things that are old/new to me:
 1. The smell of animal intestines out in a hot market, something you can never forget!
2. Men treating you as a piece of meat, grabbing my butt and hissing at me, ARG,
3. How busy things can get during the night, when it is so quite during the day,
4. Being stared at as a Super Star, and an oddity all at the same time!
5. Eating food you are not sure what is, but why not,
6. Knowing someone is talking about you in a different language, but not knowing what they are saying,
7. Getting to PEE anywhere I want, and im a girl!! WOO,
 8. Bargaining, a skill that many have lost and should try,
9. Large beers for Super cheap,
10. Thinking you might know that white person on the other side of the street, but not wanting to wave because that might be awkward….
11. Africa time….a slow time,  
12. Enjoying the little things in my own time!
13. Getting to download things in safety,
14. Having there be no need to tip since service is TERRIBLE,
15. How great/terrible public transportation can be to learn more about the country you are in.
These are a few of the things that have come flooding back to me since I have been back in Africa. And I love each one of them in their own special way!
For my birthday, I went a concert at my regional capital-Tulear-and saw a man called Damily. He plays a style of music called tsapiky, its interesting, and made me want to dance. Ghana taught me how to dance, and to not care about how I dance. So I of course got down with my bad self and danced at the concert. This of course caused a HUGE thing, and everyone stopped what they were doing to stare!! O my! After sometime, others joined and it was Fun!! But of course there comes a price for my free-style dance moves, as we were leaving, we all got groped, ass pinched and arm caressed! So annoying that they feel this is ok to do, but all you can do is glare and slap that hand away.

It was a great day to celebrate my 28th birthday and my 2 months in Madagascar. I am still loving life here and all that I am doing. We are starting on some new projects and getting more partners to help us out. If you know of any company that needs to give away some of its money, let me knowJ! Well, I think that’s all for the moment! But thank you again for all the birthday wishes! And till next time, Merci!

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