Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lessons Learned!

I have learned some hard lessons recently. It seems that if at one point I don’t think something will matter, later in my life it become abundantly clear that I should have listened closer and saved everything! Here are a few examples: During my time in Ghana, I was handed a ton of amazing food security resources, many of these were in French, and I felt at the time that I would never need them as I thought that I never would live in a French speaking country…Wrong! Here I am in Madagascar wishing that I still had those. Example 2: During my time at Purdue, I had a class all about fish…and I could not wait for it to end….now what am I doing? Designing a protocol for small fresh water farming here…If only I took note and listened more closely to what I was taught!
So here I sit, trying to find a document in French that I have in English and figuring what are the best species of fish to use in the ponds. I guess knowledge like this only comes with age, and it makes me cringe that I am now old enough to think and type a sentence like that!
The weather here in Ambondrolava (the village I live near) has been Amazing! I am in the southern hemisphere here, so it’s our winter (dry months) and I could not be enjoying it more. Another lesson learned, one country is not the same as another. After living in Ghana for 2 years and NEVER feeling cold, I was stunned dumb that it gets cold here, and I mean cold like I sleep in pants, long sleeved shirt, and 2 blankets. It’s mostly from the wind, as i live in a plank house and there are many way for it to get in!
 I have cause for concern when it comes to wind, as it slides right on through with little resistance. But I would not trade where I live for anything. I feel amazed that I am here, that I get to sit on my porch and look at a field of green reeds blowing in the wind and wait for a pair of barn owls to come out at night. How did I get here? I forget sometimes where I am, and then something will come and slap me in the face….you’re in MADAGASCAR….breath and enjoy! Here is the video I made about the place I work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCPSlOtBGzk
Another lesson learned, I am a people person. Many of you might think….DUH….but this is the first time where I do not have a network of people around me. There are just 3 main staff members here (me included) and volunteers that come and go! I need more, I am learning, but I am reaching out to the other NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) around Tulear and WILL make friends. J Unlike in the past, I will remember this for my next job and know that I might need more than just 2 people live a happy life.
Still no lemurs, but I am planning a trip soon the Finar region where I will meet up with some PCV’s (Peace Corps volunteers) and have good time! One of the volunteer’s works at a park, and within this park are… LEMURS! So I will get to see some soon!! YAY!

Until next time, Merci!